Adjust-A-Wing Reflectors + Lamp Holders

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Option: Avenger Medium & Super Spreader
Sale price£64.95 Regular price£84.95

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Adjust-A-Wings use a unique Super Spreader to boost light dispersal, giving you increased yields, less heat and power savings! This Super Spreader comes complete with Small, Medium or Large Enforcer.


Available in These Sizes

Small -54cm x 38cm (21.3” x 15”) suits up to 400 watt bulbs

Medium – 70cm x 55cm (27.5” x 21.5”) suits up to 600 watt bulbs

Large – 100cm x 70cm (39.5” x 27.5”) suits up to 1000 watt bulbs

  • Double parabolic open-ended reflector
  • 97% Reflective glass coated Aluminium
  • Adjustable parabolic shape
  • Option to convert to a twin 600W lamp reflector
  • Adjustable lamp holder
  • Runs high-pressure sodium (HPS) or metal halide (MH) lamps


The great innovative design features flexible reflector wings and a unique adjustable lamp holder, allowing you to fine-tune the focus of your grow light for maximum efficiency. The Avenger reflector is super lightweight - eliminating the worry of the reflector coming loose from its hangers making it suitable for the majority of fixtures. And as if that's not enough, the Adjust-a-Wing Avenger comes supplied complete with an integrated Super Spreader - Heat Shield for much-improved light and heat distribution enabling you to get your light source closer to the tops of your plants meaning more lumens reaching your flowers throughout your plants! The ultimate reflector for both performance and control features of the Adjust-a-Wing Avenger Reflector: 97% reflective highest of grade glass coated anti-corrosion aluminium adjustable 'wings' that enable you to position your lamp closer to plants, adjustable 'wings' that let you create a wide and even spread of light and also fine-tune its focus. Included free is the heat shield super spreader used to help deflect heat, boost light and spread light evenly giving you increased yields - simple to assemble.

The Medium Adjust-a-Wing Avenger Reflector measures 70cm x 55cm (27.5" x 21.5") for use with up to 600-watt bulbs and works with all IEC connection ballasts.

The large Adjust-a-Wing Avenger Reflector measures 100cm x 70cm (39.5" x 27.5") for use up to 1000 watt bulbs and works with all IEC connection ballasts.


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